Beacon.PHP //comment1 = this PHP allows manual update of the beacons table from the end user via a button. //comment2 = this php runs a query against the filter table on the database and outputs it into the Datatables page seen on //comment3 = this the creation and configuration script for the DataTable //Comment4 = displays the navigation numbers as full numbers (12345) rather than than (1....5....10) //Comment5 = this allows the end user to choose how many rows they would like to display via a button at the top of the Datatable //Comment6 = this filters the search box by certain columns e.g. targets 1,2,3 false means that the search only happens on the 1st column ( column 0) //Comment7 = these are the buttons that allow the end user to export the data in there desired format from the below option ( copy,csv,pdf,print) copy- copies all data in the table to clipboard csv- exports all data as a csv for use with excel, pdf- saves a pdf copy of the table data, Print- allows the user to print a copy off all table data. (if the end user searches for certain data the buttons then provide the user only the filtered data. e.g. the user searches for 10 it will display all beacons that have the numbers 10 in (10,101,102 etc) then the buttons will export this data. Track.html